Then one day... when I was riding 40 miles in a day, I was like "ouch, what the (insert favorite word here) is that?" So, I went down to my favorite store to see what it was all about and found out it was called "saddle sore"... hmmm, now I'm riding on a saddle? I do some group rides with guys who are 70 (age) plus... and they were like "You betta butta kid"... ok, now I know what's wrong... what product was right for me?
First I thought "let me try the gal product"... and besides, it's got a cool name:
This cream actually has some kind of menthol base and I felt like my muffin was all tingly... I just didn't get it and it didn't seem to help with my saddle soreness. Sigh... so, my dealer gave me a sample of the guys standard:
It was better than the first, but still wasn't doing the trick completely... there was another one on the market that everyone raves about... the gold, I shelled out the bucks (it aint cheap!)... but hey man... were talking about my junk here (and yours) so I'm not gonna scrimp on my muffin... (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)
First use and it was like magic trumpets sounded under me... it was like fireworks went off (in a good way). Now I know which one works for me.... but I'm not selling this product, I'm telling you to try them for yourself. If you want to be serious about cycling and ride long hours/miles... eventually you may find yourself sore. If you do, now you know "You betta butta"...
There are many on the market, I've tried the three above personally, but here are some others you may want to check out:

Dznuts are very popular and kinda the man's version of Hoo Ha Ride Glide...
If you're not careful about saddle sores they can become serious hazards. People who have ignored them have gotten infected and needed medical attention. Be careful about ingrown hairs, take care of them immediately. These are sensitive topics, but something a long distance rider will deal with. Never shave or conduct excessive grooming when you're planning a long ride or rally, this may lead to serious issues (take it from me)...
If you have any suggestions about info related to slathering up the goods, add a comment below so people can read it. Ok, I'm off to butta up :)
I don't ride as far as you do. But I have experience the "saddle soreness" too. It definitely is no joke. Was wondering what to do about it. Thanks for the info. Loved this...
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I've suffered pretty bad, but this helped and also upgrading my shorts. Keep your eye out for the Chamois Short related post coming later :)