THE ROADIE: The road bike is a very common choice and comes in a variety of frames - steel, carbon, titanium, aluminum and a mix of the above. This style can be used for commuting, group rides, solo rides, racing or standing around looking cool!
When you own and ride a road bike with matching kit you are usually thought of as the "Lance Armstrong" wannabe, snobby, uptight cyclist (partially guilty here since that's my bike). I suggest real cycling clothes and helmet, matching is up to you!
THE COMMUTER: or grocery bike (yes it's my bike), with baskets and the "mattress" seat. This bike is for the casual ride and/or the rider who has a place to be and stuff to buy. Some people like to ride these with their tiny pooches in the basket, but my dog is 14 lbs which is to heavy for the front and he hates riding in back :(
Baskets can be on the front, back, sides of the back wheel and these come in single gears or multi! No matching kit needed and depending on your city you may not need a helmet.
Mountain kit or road kit optional on the hybrid. Street clothes are ok, but if you plan on doing serious trail work, I suggest a real kit and helmet.

THE ANGRY RIDER: The mountain bike rider is someone who likes to get dirty and beat the hell out of their bike! These bikes are made for harsh environments and rugged people who don't mind breaking bones on occasion. Designed for the off-road activity and exciting unknown they aren't for the faint of heart.
Lots of people race mountain on pre-designated off road trails, usually in a time trail race (how many laps in X time). I suggest a full mountain kit and especially a helmet!

THE BEND-DOVER: The time trial and/or triathlon style bike is for the lean in and race kinda person. These bikes are designed for fast movement and training of specific muscles. The geometry is intended to help rest muscles you may need for the swimming and running aspects of triathlons and provides a super aerodynamic riding posture... unless you have hips like mine.
A full road bike kit is suggested, especially a helmet... matching would also be suggested lol. Those TT and Tri folks are special ;)
THE DOWN LOW: The recumbent bike is usually something "driven" by the more mature rider. I ride with folks on these and they like to wear sandals and talk about how much their ass DOESN'T hurt... The one down side I'm told is that you can't move in the seat on the long ride... Lots of funny jabs we take at each other (Roads and Recumbent)... but it's all in good fun.
Yes some come with a windshield, kinda pimp right? Wear any damn thing on you like, I suggest a helmet on these since you'll likely be on the road!

ALL STYLE: For any rider it's about the fun, the enjoyment, the time on the bike... and in that vain you can find all kinds of cool rides out there. Hand built, Old school like this one... We just love bikes... and you can't tell me that when you see someone on an odd or unique bike you don't form an opinion of the rider!
As a roadie I like to make fun of myself... to see just how silly we are... check out this cool vid, it's one of my funny fav's: